Tips for New Year’s Eve Camping, Stress free

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new years eve camping

Another year is ending and Banana Review has prepared a list of practical, special tips for those who are going to New Year’s Eve Camping! Check it out:

Information and social care


During the holiday season many campsites practice daily specials of normality, including many works exclusively with packages. If you are going camping on New Year’s Eve, please contact the camping site you want to camp in order to know the exact amount you will pay, so as not to have last minute surprises.


Inquire about which camping profile you are going to. Depending on the location, the city or the proposal of the camping you can find very different scenarios. There are campsites that cherish peace and quiet, while others organize new year celebrations within the campsite space. To inform yourself about the camping policy for this period, you will avoid any unpleasant disturbances.


Some campsites make reservations for this period, while in many others it is worth the “get before you get the best place, or the place you have if you have it” law. If you want to avoid problems check the possibility of reserving your place, but be aware that often the owners make the reservation but do not guarantee a good place in the campsite. So having a reservation often (usually) does not mean having a good place at the campsite, it just means having somewhere. If you care for a GOOD place, find a way to get there sooner than the others!


Know that the holidays of year end (as well as Carnival) are usually the peak of stocking of the camping in all Brazil. Probably the campsite will be very full, this can mean queues in the bathroom, lack of light, lack of water, night noises, especially in campsites that do not know or do not respect the maximum capacity supported by its structure.

It does not mean that this is going to happen, but our job is to warn that depending on the location, the camping, the city, this could happen! Try not to stress, take an extra dose of patience and short, after all it’s a holiday and you do not have time to do it! Take it all in a good way, after all you decided to camp and that already means going outside the comfort zone.

Good life together

Beyond patience, never forget the rules of good coexistence and good neighborliness.

Follow the rules established by the place, if the camping is more family, do not bother! Live sympathetically with your tent neighbors. Give “good morning” to people when they wake up! Order using “please”, thank the outfits with a “thank you”. The camping is not a concrete gray city, it is a friendly space, of coexistence and solidarity.

If you need help setting up the tent, smile and ask someone who already has the tent fitted to help. If you are seeing someone with difficulties and know how to help, be supportive and offer a helping hand! This is a great way to make new friends …

Live inside the campsite, make friends, share experiences and smile!

Do consider What to Bring on a Camping Trip? and Camping tips and tricks for beginners if it’s your first new year’s eve camping. Also checkout the What to wear camping in the Fall and winter season to keep yourself warm.