If you are looking for a reliable camping tent and don’t want to spend a fortune, then you are not alone. To find best backpacking tent under 100 or best affordable ultralight tent then you are at right place. There are plenty of awesome choices of camping tents that you can get for your next camping trip. But its quite challenging to get best backpacking tent under 100.
OUR PICK: If you dont have time to review other tents then go for Bessport lightweight 2 person backpacking tent and its the best lightweight 2 person backpacking tent under $100.
When you are looking for budget tents, you must be very careful in making your decision as you don’t want a disposable tent that either you have to throw away after one use or gets rips apart on your holiday and ruins your night. Trust me, it can get very nasty if you have a tent torn off or leak in the middle of the rain storm at night and you have no-where else to go. Here, I have short list some reliable and tested camping tents that are not too heavy on your pocket yet give a good value for money.
When searching for budget tents, it is imperative to approach the decision-making process with caution. The last thing you want is to invest in a tent that will only last for one trip or one that may tear during your holiday and compromise your camping experience. A scenario where a tent leaks or tears in the middle of a rainstorm at night can be incredibly unpleasant, especially if you have no alternative shelter. To make your search easier, I’ve compiled a short list of tried and tested camping tents that won’t put too much stress on your budget while still providing a good value for your money.
However, it’s essential to keep in mind that there are several factors to consider when choosing the right camping tent, even when working with a limited budget. For instance, you need to consider the number of people the tent will accommodate, the size and weight of the tent, and its resistance to different weather conditions. You should also think about the ease of set-up and breakdown, as well as the durability of the tent’s materials.
Additionally, it’s always a good idea to read reviews from other campers and experts in the field, and do your own research to make an informed decision. You can check out websites like REI or Backpacker for expert advice on choosing the right tent, as well as customer reviews of different camping tents. By considering these factors and weighing your options, you’ll be able to find the best budget tent for your next camping adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or just starting out, investing in a reliable, budget-friendly tent can make all the difference in having a successful and comfortable trip.
Best Backpacking Tent under 100 (Top Picks)
Here is list of top 5 Best backpacking tents under 100$.
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ALPS Mountaineering Lynx 1-Person Tent
Check Price | |
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Bessport Lightweight 2 Person Backpacking Tent
Check Price | |
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Coleman Sundome Tent 2 to 6-Person
Check Price | |
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Featherstone Outdoor 2 Person Backpacking Tent
Check Price | |
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Forceatt Backpacking Tent 2 Person
Check Price |
There are a few things you need to consider before buying your next camping tent. Will this be a good choice for a rainy day? Will it sustain cold weather? Is it have sturdy stakes to keep you safe in heavy rains? Will is actually accommodate the number of persons written in the specifications? We have summarized in detail in our review.
Things to consider when buying camping tent
We all know that camping tent is the most important gear when it comes to camping. But what to consider when choosing the camping tent? Go through our blog to skim through the most important aspects that can help you chose the right tent for you.
BEGINNERS GUIDE: What to consider when buying a camping tent?
What to consider when looking for Best Backpacking Tent under 100?
It all depends on what you are looking for, but to make your choice easier, we will break down some of the important features to consider while you look for buying a tent on Amazon. You can review in detail on our blog Beginners guide to buying a camping tent? as well.
Feature | What to look for? |
3-Seasons Tent or 4-Seasons Tent | If you are looking for a tent for cold weathers and snow rains, don’t go for anything less than a 4-season tent. 3 season tents are good for rainy day protection but not meant for very cold temperatures. |
Setup Time | Is it a pre-assembled tent or not? How long does it take to set it up? How many people are required to set it up? Always good to watch a tutorial video of the tent setup and then try at your home yard for the very first time before going to your vacation. |
Frame | Is the tent made of steel or fiberglass? Or both? Do you prefer strength over weight? Or you can pay a little extra to get high quality fiber glass that can withstand strong winds and rain. |
Poles | Similar to frame, the poles also come in variety of materials. Mainly steel and good quality fiber glass can be trusted. |
Stakes | Stakes are key for most of the camping tents for additional support against high winds and heavy rains. If your camp does not come with steel stakes, we recommend you to buy a few extra steel stakes and don’t rely on stakes of other materials. |
Tent Fabric | What fabric does tent have, is it Nylon or Polyester? Do you prefer light weight thin fabric or more rigid thick UV and water resistant? What is the Denier of the polyester? In brief, polyester with greater than 75D is recommended to keep you safe and waterproof. You can check out the details of fabrics |
Floor Tarp | Does the tent you have chosen have a floor tarp? Is it a heavy-duty tarp? Do you need to buy an extra footprint to make your stay more comfortable? |
Sealed Seam | Most leaks in camping tents happen through the seams. Its recommended to get a tent with factory sealed or taped seams. If you like a tent which does not have factory sealing, you can seal the seams yourself with tent fabric sealants easily. |
Room Dividers | Need privacy in the tent? Not to worry. There are multiple tents available on amazon that give you plenty of privacy by letting you install the room dividers. You can find plenty of good options from 2-4 room tents on Amazon. All of the multi-room tents come with detachable dividers than you can install and take off when required. |
Tent Height | Do you want to stand in the tent? How tall are you? Do you just need a place to crash and don’t really care about the height? Small dome tents usually have low height as compared to cabin tents with near vertical walls that give you ample height to stand in the tent. |
Size | This is the most important feature for next purchase. Ask yourself, if you prefer to sleep in a sleeping bag or an airbed? Airbeds take a lot of space whereas sleeping bags can adjust in quite less space. The marked capacity of the camping tents is always per sleeping bag so be careful when you buy a tent, make sure to check out the footprint area it covers before you buy it. |
Weight | Do you need a tent for once a year fun in your backyard? Or do you need it for your next hiking trip and plan to carry it on your shoulders throughout your trip? Camping tents weight varies a lot from extra light-weight camping tents which weigh around 7 lbs. up-to 70+ lbs. large multi-room tents. |
Entry Mat | Do you prefer entry mat so that your tent remains clean and tidy? Not every tent has it but again, not everyone wants it. |
Shade awning | Shade awning gives a great tidy entrance so you can have a small porch and keep tent dry. |
Screen Room | Do you like to view the nature from bug free screen room? Some tents have a large meshed screen room that is great for site viewing. For bad weather, probably you wouldn’t need the screened room. |
LED | Mostly tents come with the center hook for LED or fan, some come with built in LED with variable settings. |
Now you have an idea about what features to look for in the tent, below is our top featured list considering multiple aspects and scenarios.
“Remember: Camping Tent is the Most Vital Equipment for your Trip”
It is always important to understand that the money you will be spending will be on the most important equipment for the outdoor camping. Hence, always consider that while looking at the price of the equipment. A few dollars more or less will not matter in the long run. You will be better off with the right camping tent with a few extra bucks rather than saving a few bucks and getting something that you would eventually not feel comfortable in or need to change later. Make the right investment, and get the camping tent that fulfils your requirement.
You can follow the Wikipedia collection of lists of camping related gears and accessories that may help you out too. Camping Equipment
Types of Camping Tents
There are several types of camping tents available to choose from. If you are new to camping, we highly recommend to go through our blog to understand which type of tent suits best for your needs. Honestly, as far as a tent meets your requirements, it does not matter as much as to what type of tent it is but it’s always good to know what the types are so it will help you easily search for the right product. Follow our blog below for details:
BEGINNERS GUIDE: Types of Camping Tents
First thing’s first – Select a camping site
How to Assemble Camping Tents?
Camping for the first time and feeling overwhelmed about setting up your tent? Don’t worry! The process is easier than you think and with the right tools and guidance, you’ll have your tent up in no time. Most camping tents come with a guide and color-coded equipment, making the setup process a breeze. You can expect the time to set up your tent to range from 10-30 minutes, depending on the type of tent. For larger tents that can accommodate 12 or more people, the setup time may be closer to half an hour. But who wants to waste a significant part of their camping day just on setting up the tent?
If you’re a new camper and have never set up a family camping tent before, check out our blog for a quick demonstration and step-by-step guide. Make the most of your camping adventure and let the fun begin with a stress-free tent setup experience.
BEGINNERS GUIDE: How to Setup Up Generic Camping Tent
Note: Each camping tent setup is slightly different and we recommend you follow the general instructions provided with the camping tent package.
It’s all about having FUN!
Well, what’s the purpose of camping if you are not having the best of the time there. Need tips? Check out a few simple and fun things to do for your next camping trip.
Camping Tents Replacement Parts
But what if something goes wrong or a part goes missing? No need to panic. Replacement parts for camping tents are readily available on Amazon, so you can quickly search and order what you need with ease. Just remember to handle your camping gear with care to ensure that it can withstand normal use and even extreme weather conditions. So, enjoy your camping adventure without worrying about any mishaps
Best Backpacking Tent under 100 (2023) – Buyer’s Guide
1. ALPS Mountaineering Lynx 1-Person Tent

Well under 100 bucks, this ALPS Mountaineering Lynx 1-person tent is a very well-designed single person tent that can withstand good amount of rain storms and can be up in minutes. It’s a half dome so you can’t really fit in more people in it. Its 7 feet 6 inches long when completely setup and 2 feet 9 inches wide. The width only allows one person to sleep comfortably. If you plan to sleep on an airbed, you might want to choose for a bigger tent. For most campers who prefer sleeping bags, this tent is a perfect choice.

It has strong aluminum poles that give strength and flexibility to withstand bad weather and wind storms. This waterproof tent has a 2-pole design and guy ropes give extra protection to it. It is the possibly the lightest of all backpacking tents weighing just about 4 pounds. It comes with a polyester rainfly that keeps the tent dry in rainy weather. The rain fly extends way beyond the tent roof to make sure no water seeps into the tent. To keep you more protected against the rain, it comes with factory sealed seams that are way stronger than the seams you might seal at home. It has 8 zippers that are pretty solid and will last for quite long. With the price tag, quality and great customer feedback for this Alps Mountaineering Lynx tent, this is a perfect choice if you are looking for a durable budget tent for one person, as some people say best bang for the buck.
- Aluminum poles
- Size 2’8 x 7’6
- Factory sealed seams
- Extra light-weight
- Weighs 4 lbs.
- The rain cover has small windows that can-not be closed by zippers.
2. Bessport Lightweight 2 Person Backpacking Tent

This amazing Bessport lightweight 2 person backpacking tent is another lightweight backpacking tent that costs under 100 dollars and gives you worth your money. It comes in two sizes. Smaller one is good for one person and larger one is good for two. Both of them are priced well under $100.
Single person tent covers an area of 87.8” x 33.5” and two persons tent covers an area of 86.6” X 48.4”. Its dome design helps it withstand strong winds. It comes with a rainfly that is spoken high of by the buyers so you don’t have to worry about getting wet on your camping trip. With strong PU3000 mm waterproof performance fabric and 4 guylines to protect your tent, you can relax about fabric rips and enjoy your holiday.

The tent is extra quick to setup up; with some tries you can eventually set it up under 3 minutes. With its small size and aluminum poles, it weighs just over five pounds so it makes it an ideal size and weight for backpacking, hiking, climbing or trekking for long distances.
Now here is what is exciting about this tent; it comes with 2 D-shaped doors that you cannot easily find in a tent this size. Altogether with the price tag, comfortably large space it offers for 2 people, light weight and high-quality material, it is one of the best options for best ultralight tent under $100.
- 1 or 2 persons
- Aluminum poles
- 1-person size 87.8” x 33.5”
- 2-person size 86.6” X 48.4”
- 4 guylines
- 2 D-shaped doors
- Extra light-weight
- Weighs 5.2 lbs.
- No major drawback.
3. Coleman Sundome Tent

Whenever you are buying online, you must ensure that you get the most value out of the dollar you spend. More importantly, the item you purchase is actually meeting your requirements since every buyer’s requirements vary. Coleman Sundome tent is by far the safest choice and the top choice for most buyers considering variety of the aspects which are discussed below.

Coleman is one of the leading brands with a huge variety of camping tents and gears so you can rely on it with peace of mind. Coleman do have very high-end tents but this one is the best choice when it comes to value for money. Spacious 6ft high tent which can accommodate 6 people (laying down all together) and 2 twin airbeds with 10ftx10ft extends to the humungous size of 10ft by 10ft. This is by far the most spacious and comfortable options in budget tents if you need to accommodate up-to 6 people though 4 can be accommodated comfortably.
Whether you are looking for a best camping tent for family or friends, this 4-person tent has featured in our best waterproof tents 2019 list as well. Although it’s a 6-person tent, however it recommended for 4 for a much comfortable stay.

This is by far one of the best tents to give protection in strong winds and heavy rain. The rainfly comes with the tent. It has a nice ring at the top for the light, pockets inside for keeping your cellphones, floors come with heavy duty tarp which is a huge plus, and the tent has large screen panels on the “ceiling”, which makes for a great view when the rainfly is not on.
Don’t be worried of the tent setup after looking at the size, it can be setup within 10-15 minutes to give you rain, rain protection as well as its WeatherTec System patented welded floors keep the water out of the tent making it waterproof and storm proof. Quality of the tent is pretty good considering the price and it comes with standard 1-year manufacturer’s warranty as well. We always recommend to keep a waterproof rain sealant as a precaution whenever you want to go out camping. You can always find handy Coleman tents parts online which can be a life saver on your holiday.
If you want something durable and spacious, don’t want to be cramped in the tent while camping and also don’t want to spend a fortune on a tent, Coleman Sundome Tent is the safest choice for you option for you and is one of the best Coleman tent available in reasonable budget.
- Easy set-up, most of the times you can set it up without the manual as well.
- Complete package with carry bag, with tent, poles, rainfly, ground stakes, door mat.
- Floor is heavy duty tarp.
- Spacious for maximum of 6 people (comfortable for 4 people).
- Zipper panel for extension cord into the tent.
- Ring for small light and interior small pockets.
- Light-weight (weighs less than 7.4lbs)
- Footprint not included, if you need it on top of tarp.
- Stakes are not heavy duty. They fulfill the need but it is recommended to get heavy duty ones if you want to use it regularly.
4. Featherstone Outdoor 2 Person Backpacking Tent

Featherstone outdoor 2 person backpacking tent is another great option that made it to our top 5 list of backpacking tents under 100 dollars. This dome shaped tent has very good customer feedback and has made its mark as a best seller in very short time because of its durability and a design that you can not get in most of the tents. Its size when setup is 82” x 55” x 43” which gives a very comfortable space for 2 sleeping bags. Its micro mesh fabric gives it breathability, comfort, reduces condensation and the best part of it is the panoramic view it gives you. The view of the surroundings from the comfort of the tent is something you don’t get in every tent. What’s the point of staying inside when you can’t enjoy the surroundings or stargaze from the tent? Well this tent gives you that!

Don’t get worried about the mesh ceiling since it comes with rainfly which gives you the required protection. Factory taped seams are almost impenetrable and it is categorized a 3-season tent for its durability during harsh weather conditions, storms and rain. It has a single aluminum pole structure which keeps the weight light at just about 6 pounds which is ideal for backpacking, hiking, expeditions, car camping or fishing.
- 2 persons
- Aluminum poles
- Size 82” x 55” x 43”
- Panoramic view
- Factory sealed seams
- Extra light-weight
- Weighs 6 lbs.
- The mesh fabric may tear with rough use.
5. Forceatt Backpacking Tent 2 Person

Forceatt Backpacking Tent 2 Person made it to 5th place in our best budget tents list. With 8.5mm aluminum frame and 7” stakes, this tent is light enough weighing under 6 pounds that makes it ideal for backpacking on your trips. It is slightly less spacious than its rivals just by a few inches but its strong frame, fabric and overall build quality surpasses its competition. Quite frankly, the space is ample enough for 2 persons sleeping bags as shown in the image below so the few inches hardly count as a disadvantage.
This waterproof light-weight dome tent also gives the camper a beautiful view of surroundings and panorama from the mesh sides of the tent. Other than that, the mesh also enables a great ventilation which is ideal for hot weathers. It has easy access with two D-shaped doors at both sides of the tent.

Forceatt boasts about a 99.9% of customer satisfaction which is reflected in their 0 negative reviews so far. This is something very rare and speaks for the products quality.
- 2 persons
- Aluminum poles
- Size 88.6” x 53.1”
- Well ventilated
- Two D-shaped doors
- Extra light-weight
- Weighs 5.5 lbs.
- No major con for this tent.
Best Backpacking Tent under 100 (Final Verdict)
We had chosen above the 5 best backpacking tents under 100 bucks, and we can safely say that all of the tents are well above par when it comes to being worth the value you spend on them. All five tents are durable and will last a while without spoiling your camping trips if they are handled in the right way. So, the final verdict of the best backpacking tent under 100 dollars is Bessport lightweight 2 person backpacking tent. If you are looking for a relatively larger tent which can accommodate 4 persons, you can safely go for Coleman Sundome Tent 2 to 6-Person.
Don’t forget to check out our other review blogs on
- Best tents under 200
- Best camping tents with rooms
- Best camping tents 4-person
- Best Coleman Arch Rock Dome tents
- Best camping tent 20 persons
- Best Coleman waterproof tents
- Best Ozark Trail tents
- Eureka Copper Canyon Tent Series
Best Backpacking Tent under 100 (Tips for Beginners):
Want your zippers to last long?
Don’t let people climb in and out with the door unzipped only part way on the long vertical side. Open it all the way to the top. The area around where the side panels change color puts the hardest lateral pull on the zipper. Opening it only that far, and then having people move the door flap out of the way adds to that stress and increases the chance you might damage the zipper.
What to do when you break your tent?
When you break camp, if the tent isn’t going to be set up again very soon, let your tent dry before you roll it up. If you roll (or stuff it) while wet, and then forget to dry it out when you get home, you’ll have problems with mildew. It can lead to a musty smell, unsightly spots, and (in the most extreme cases) holes in your tent. If you must pack up a wet tent, be sure to air it out when you get home. You can set it up in a sunny space, or hang it (we hang it from our deck, but you could hang it from a tree or clothes line).
Before you pack your tent away … Do this
Bring a broom and sweep out your tent before you pack it away. If you pack it up with dirt and sand inside, it will act like little bits of sandpaper and wear away at the materials.
Avoid eating in your tent if you can
Avoid eating in your tent, or keeping food in your tent, especially if you’ll be in bear country. Smells from dripped or spilled foods can stick around a long time, and animals’ noses are often far more sensitive than ours.
Keep the rain-fly off if you don’t need it
If you’re not too concerned about privacy, it’s warm enough, and you know that rain isn’t likely, consider leaving the rain fly off. It makes set up and tear down quicker, and it will let you watch the sky while protected from the bugs. Just keep the fly and stakes in the bag near the door, in case you need to put up the fly quickly due to unexpected changes in the weather.
Clear your area before setting up the camp
Don’t get too hasty or excited; make sure you clear up the space and remove any noticeable rocks, sticks, or anything that might damage the tent floor or make your sleep uncomfortable.
Camp away from dead trees and branches
If setting up in or adjacent to a wooded area, look around for dead trees that could blow over or fall onto your tent, and be sure to look up for any live trees with dead branches hanging above you. You don’t need a lot of rain and rain for dead wood to come down! It’s very common for dead branches will fall from rain or with time, sometimes quite large limbs drop off. It makes sense to look up before you place a tent, or your chairs!
Full-dress before the final event!
Be sure to set it up once at home before you head out, even if you’ve set it up before. It’s a great way to remind yourself how to set it up, and to make sure you have all of the stakes and poles together (especially if you broke camp in a hurry during your last adventure

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is the brand of camping tent important?
Yes. The tried and tested brands have developed design technology to keep you safe, dry over the years incorporating customer feedback. Unless you do know about a new brand or it has been reviewed positively by our reviewer’s, it is always safe to choose a well-known brand when it comes to buy a camping tent.
What size tent should I buy?
It really depends on your requirements but always know that the listed capacity for sleepers is only enough for sleeping bags and more often than not, does not give you much room to move about. If you need a spacious tent with some privacy, go for the tent with rooms or get a slightly bigger tent than you need.
I am new to camping and have never setup a tent. Will I be able to setup the tent easily?
Most tents in the market are fairly easy to up. The time it takes to up the tent is usually mentioned on tent reviews. Generally, if it says it can be up in 5 minutes, realistically it may take you 20 minutes to up for the first time. Remember that it is always recommended that at least 2 people set up the tent. This will make the process quicker, easier and also ensure that you don’t rip off the tent if you are pulling from one side alone. Don’t forget to check out details on our blog u003ca href=u0022https://bananareview.com/how-to-setup-up-a-tent/u0022u003eu003cemu003eHow to setup camping tent?u003c/emu003eu003c/au003e
Will I be able to carry the tent in a backpack?
Almost all of the tents come with a carry-bag. Some of the light weight tents are easier to carry for u003cstrongu003ebackpackingu003c/strongu003e. Make sure you read the weight of the tent so you are well aware of it when you plan your holiday.
Which tools do I need to set-up the tent?
Most of the tents reviewed by us don’t require highly sophisticated tools and assemble pretty quickly. We always recommend to keep an ordinary hammer with you so you can make sure stakes are well hammered in the ground. Be careful with the hammer since some of the stakes are made of fiber glass and may break if too much pressure is applied.
What is 3-season or 4-season tent? Which one should I buy?
Most of the camps are season rated. 4-season tents can be used in any weather condition. These are generally made of strong fabric which keeps you warm in colder weathers as well. 3-season tents can be used in all weathers except winters since they do not protect against cold weather and snow. If you don’t plan to camp in cold weathers, we recommend not to go for 4-season camp and get a well ventilated one 3-seaons tent. Don’t forget to check out our blog u003ca href=u0022https://bananareview.com/types-of-camping-tents/u0022u003eTypes of camping tents?u003c/au003e for more detail.
What accessories do I need?
If you are new to camping, we strongly recommend to go for the u003ca href=u0022https://amzn.to/2Yhj7tiu0022u003eOzark trail bundle optionu003c/au003e that has a lot of useful accessories with the 4 person tent. Generally, it depends on where you are camping, what weather would it be there, how many people are going and how do you plan to stay. Some people prefer air beds, though it reduces the capacity in the tent. It all depends on you. Generally, you can consider getting sleeping bags, sleeping bag mats, thick tarp of you tent does not have a strong one, basic tools, seam sealant, lantern, extra batteries, extra ropes, dry bags, sand bags if you tent needs those specially canopy tents require them and so on.
Can you actually setup the tent in 30 seconds?
Well, for some tents it is advertised and claimed that you can setup in 30 seconds. They often label it as Instant Tent. Yes, its definitely possible. The instant tents are generally pre-assembled tents that means you don’t have to actually screw and join the poles and fabric. This process is way easier and takes far less time than the usually camp erection. So, if you have another person helping you up with setting up the pre-assembled instant tent, yes you will be amazed how quickly you can set it up. It is basically just expanding and pulling the tent to its place and does not take more than a minute after the second or third try. Check out in this video how a u003ca href=u0022https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzC3KTpnPngu0022u003e6 person dome tent is set upu003c/au003e.
What is a rain-fly?
The outer part of the tent is called the rain-fly which protects the tent from any rain water coming in. Most of the tents come with a mesh ceiling and a detachable rainfly. It means that you can install the rainfly when you need to, and at the same time enjoy star-gazing and sky through the mesh ceiling if there is no rain at night. Keep an eye as there are some tents which are sold without rainfly however it is very rare and normally if we feature such a product, we will highlight this in the cons section of the review.
Tent Waterproofing
As you have heard, the product is as strong as its weakest link. You tent can be very solid inside out, but it has one weak part that is leaking, your holiday will be messed up.
There are a few things you can keep an eye on while considering waterproofing of the tent. Each of the below feature adds to the tent’s capability to protect against rain and rain.
- Weather resistant Fabric
Always prefer tents that use coated polyester fabric with anti-wicking thread, webbing and zippers designed in keeping you safe and dry.
- Leak-free Protected seams
Seams are somehow the weakest link when it comes to durable camping tents. Always go for the tents that come with factory sealed or taped seams which hide the needle holes to keep you dry. However, as a general camping rule, we highly recommend to keep seam sealants handy on every trip. For more useful and handy tips on camping, please visit our blog camping tips.
- Wind-strong frame
Technology has evolved the design of the frame to be stronger and more rain-responsive. The frames are generally made of fiberglass and steel depending on your tent, with poles and guy-out triangles which withstand winds and rain. Always go for aerodynamic tents if you think you can face strong winds.
- Zipper Protection
Zippers! Be it your winter jacket or tent, when they don’t work, it’s ANNOYING! Always make sure the tents have sturdy smooth zippers and the cuff adds protection from outdoor elements.
- Waterproof floors
Most of the tents have strong tarp floors that eliminate needle holes and protect you against water seeping in from beneath. Make sure you check these before getting a tent.
Different fabric for Tent
Most tent fabrics nowadays are polyester, and sometimes Nylon. But is it a good quality polyester? You need the tent to be insulated most of the times, to keep to either warm or cold so generally thicker fabric is preferred. It gives you insulation, keeps the tent cooler for longer duration in summers and warm in winters, and at the same time it is more lasting. You can always roll up the windows for ventilation when needed, and most of the times the tents come with ventilated ceiling and ground vents as well.
Nylon fabrics are lightweight, preferred by backpackers but not as UV resistant as polyester so we recommend polyester fabric with good thickness and blocking. The Denier (unit for fabric thickness/threads) should be 75 or higher at least. The higher the D the thicker the fabric is. 75D to 150D fabrics provide a good protection and insulation. Lower than that will not give you protection but definitely will be light-weight.
Can I install an AC with my tent?
Most of the campers do not prefer to do that, however if you are camping in heat and have access to electricity, you can definitely do that. If you want to install and buy a tent which suits installing the AC, we suggest you read our blog 5 best tents with AC opening.
WARNING! You must take care of the safety concerns since there are quite a few in this case including the high voltage electric cables, heat from condenser and melting of your tent fabric. If the condenser of window AC is blocked by fabric, it may lead to heat and fire
Some of the accessories you need other than the AC are:
- AC Stand
You need AC stand to put your AC on, in a stable position. Usually the tent flaps are 10-12” high from the ground, so depending on your AC design, you need a stand for your AC that can keep the AC on the required height.
- Power cord
This is pretty basic, but you need a high-power AC source at your camping site. Make sure you have the length of the cable you need to go through to the power source.
- Portable Generator
If you are looking to camp far from formal camping sites where you don’t have any AC power source, we suggest you buy a small portable generator that can keep you cool and run the AC. Any portable generator from 3000-5000watts will be enough.